Twenty years ago, our beloved daughter, sister, niece, cousin, colleague and friend Eve Erin Crowell, died tragically on February 24, 2005. She had just turned 30.
No parent ever expects to bury a child. Our children are our legacy. If they precede us in death, we have to find the strength to continue their memory, their values and honor the things that were important to them. That is what we have tried to do.
We have created this website in Eve’s memory with the hope that her beauty, laugh, talent, energy and spirit will be remembered by all of us who knew and loved her. Her life was short but full, her accomplishments remarkable, and in spite of the many challenges she faced, Eve always believed that tomorrow would be a “better day.”
In the years since losing Eve, we have come to realize that she was a potent force in many people’s lives. Now, it only takes a few seconds of thinking about her to bring her right back into our minds and our hearts. We have been comforted by the Sufi epigram:
“ When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.”
Yes, we have grieved, but we have also celebrated Eve’s life, all that she was, did, and gave. Since she is physically gone from us, we have had to be her legacy and tell the story of her life, her loves, her longings.
In spite of the holes Eve left, we have tried to rejoice in her memory and all of the fun times so many of us had with her.
We hope you will visit all of the pages and links here and share this website with your friends, families and colleagues.
Thank you.
This website was created with love by Eve’s mom, Barbara Crowell Roy, in 2009
and is updated annually on her birthday, November 4 and on the anniversary of Eve’s death which occurred on February 24, 2005.